Monday 21 February 2011

Assignment 2 - What images mean

In this assignment i was asked to show 3 advertisements with all typography removed from the image so there was no obvious sign of what product was  being advertised.  I cropped these 3 images and presented them to a group of 3 people, asking each what the image made them feel like and think about :

Joshua : Uncomfortable, Amused , Practical Jokes and Drag Queens.
Jaime : Confused , Interested , Funny , Sleep and Tiredness.
Ben : Clean , Creeped , Homosexuals and Woman.

Joshua : Dispair , Shame , Athletes and Steroids.
Jaime : Dark , Evil , Unhappy , Hairloss and Exercise.
Ben : Anger , Cold , Manly , Brutality and Warriors.

Joshua : Lust , Attractive , Good Health and Hair Products.
Jaime : Sexy, Beuty , Lesbians , Purity , Clothes and Angels.
Ben : Clean , Happy , Closeness , Elegant , Hair Products and Angels.

Overall, i believe this experiment went pretty well. As a Graphic Designer it opened my eyes further to the power of typography and the difference it can make . Most importantly how a smartly chosen image can speak for more than words. Especially, in the final image when "Ben" mentioned the word "clean" as it portrays the tounge and cheek  style the advert is using when selling Virgin Olive Oil . In other cases , for example the second image , the phrase "natural extracts" and the product itself were needed alongside the image of the male as it alone suggested different ideas. The first image was a good example of creating postive emotions towards the product , making its audience feel amused and most importantly , interested. Also , i found out most of the time people read images by what they only see in the subject and not the story behind it or who else may be involved in whats happening.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Assignment 1 - Semester 2 - Room Inspector .

I found this activity very interesting but yet quite creepy . Its one of those things that is rather obvious but would never cross your mind. Each little detail or object sitting your room were you sleep , eat and drink every day and night can give away so much about you. Now when i look around my room i notice little details which directly relfect my personality. For example , i learnt that i am actually influenced greatly by my big brother because of the layout of my bed covers and pillows. . . . which is something i had`nt actually noticed before. From a designers point of view i have learnt that it is important to add your own personality into your work , so that you will stand out for being yourself and oppositely to look closer into your work , asking others what they think and if they can spot any of your habits which could be loosing you marks.

From analysing the photos sent from my randomly assigned partner i`m pretty confident i now know alot about a person who i had never spoken to before in my life. Straight away i could tell he liked to travel as there is various maps on his wall , a clock shaped like a ships helm , alongside a poster of the famous New York builders hanging from a piece of foundation thousands of feet above the ground, which suggested to me further he may be a risk taker. Linking to this , there a paintball gun and helmet hung on his wall. His large DVD collection gave me the idea that his interests and personal life could be influenced by his obvious passion for film. Next, i noticed that he was rather technical as there is posters of various computer model diagrams , 3d structures , cutting boards and a light box . Most importantly , a poster of Da Vincis perfect dimension of a male body . This showed me that he obviously takes great interest in his University course IED , which is known as a very tech course. Adding to this idea , a sense of organisation was gatherd from his amount of notes on his wall. His clothes all are natural coloured and a the two pair of slippers next to his bed told me that he is a man of comfort. I noticed a from a small photo of him and girl on his cabnet , with the girl having the same noticable golden coloured hair as him , which suggested that the girl is his sister and family is very important to him. I believe the most crucial point gathered was his collection of various sentamental objects like his Christmas cards and various pamplets taking great pride on his wall which told me alot of past
memorys are of great importance to him.